09 Jul


We are currently in the ferry on our way to Bodø, located in mainland Norway. We left the Lofoten islands around 21:00 and since the ferry is 4h long it is a good opportunity to see the midnight sun one last time before going more south.

It is also a good opportunity to update the blog so here is the recap of our day.

We started our second day in the Lofoten islands fresh and clean thanks to the apartment. The weather was still cloudy but not rainy. We crossed a couple of bridges and deviated from the main road to head towards the south. The road was very peaceful and the landscape very nice, we passed few fjords.

The rain started to fall before Leknes, the town where we planned to have lunch. And just before Leknes we had a pretty decent climb that got us exhausted and hungry. We reached Leknes and entered a restaurant completely soaked and frozen. The lunch was delicious and helped us to find the motivation to get back on the bikes to do the 65km remaining to our destination. The rain stopped and the clouds were slowly disappearing and wow…

We passed some spectacular fjords, the kind of places that you usually see in videos and documentaries, it was really mind blowing. We stopped in a lot of places to enjoy the views, our poor phone cameras feel a bit helpless to capture such places but here are some of our best tries:

We have been in Norway for a week and so far we felt that the landscapes we went through are different every time and it doesn’t feel repetitive. The types of vegetation, the distance to the mountains, the islands, etc. keep changing every time we jump in our bikes to start a new journey.

During the day we also came across a speciality of the region called Stockfish. Stockfish is unsalted fish that is being dried on some wooden structures for few months. It has been exported by Norway for several centuries. It can be found in Italian or Dutch cuisine among others. We let you imagine the smell around this place…

We finally arrived in Moskenes after more than 105km of biking. The last part of the ride was amazing, especially the place called Reine.

In total since we started we have done 540km in 6 days. Both riders are doing fine as well as their bikes. Tomorrow will be a rest day in Bodø.

Here are more pictures from this incredible day in Lofoten:

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