07 Jul


It was really warm in the tent when we woke up, it was still sunny and the view from the camping was still amazing.

We were quite slow at packing but we still managed to get on the bike around 10:30. It took us a bit more than 2h to reach Sortland, one of the biggest town that we have seen so far. The road was still spectacular, we were surrounded by mountains and water 360 degrees.

Something annoying that we have faced few times in Norway are the flies. We seem to be so popular that they want to follow us no matter where we go even while riding.
After our lunch break in Sortland we headed towards Melbu to take the ferry to reach the next island, the first one in Lofoten: Austvåløya. We faced a strong wind that made our ride a bit more difficult, but nothing impossible for two well prepared riders. We stopped in several places to enjoy the view.

Before reaching Stormarkness we crossed one the most amazing bridges so far. It had quite a steep slope and the view was again really amazing. We could not stop to take a picture from the top as it was narrow and windy.

In Stormarknes we could see a museum with an interesting architecture, but we had no time to visit it has we had to take the ferry at 18:30 in Melbu.

We made it in time and we even had time to take some remote roads and we could see  first typical Norwegian church.

Norwegian people seems to have interest hobbies. In Melbu we saw an interesting contest that attracted quite some people, the goal was to cross some kind of bridge made of wooden planks. Baptiste was tempted to give it a try, next time maybe.

We bought our dinner at the supermarket and crossed with the ferry. We then biked one kilometer to reach our camp for the night that was located on a beach. We were amazed with the view from our camping spot the night before, but here it is even more beautiful, we walked a bit on the beach, took some pictures before having dinner and crashing into our sleeping bags.

Here are more pictures from this beautiful day:

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