16 Jul


We woke up quite early with the tent shaking. Not a good sign! We looked at the weather forecast and it was not looking bright for today. We also remembered that it was Sunday and that supermarkets are closed. We did not have that much food with us as we have been buying food for the day on our way so far. Everything was pointing out to not the best day on the road. We decided to eat the porridge we had left in the camping kitchen while looking at the rain outside. There were different levels of motivation in the team.

We jumped on the bikes and left the camping. We had 40km to do to reach our next ferry. We started under the rain but it wasn’t the heaviest rain we had faced so far. We were biking along the coast, the landscape was nice and the road very calm, it felt good.

On our way we were overtaken by another bikepacker, one of the only ones we have seen going in the same direction than us, as most people are going North trying to reach the North Cape. We talked a bit with him and realised that he was from Catalunya. Maria could practice her Catalan with him.

The rain stopped and we reached Vennesund to catch the ferry. We arrived a bit early and we ate lunch at a Thai restaurant located next to the ferry station. It was a bit expensive even if it was a buffet, but for two hungry bikers there’s never too much food!

We took the ferry and then continued our ride. We passed by a pretty nice fjord and climbed the road next to it. 

Right after reaching the top a prize was waiting for us: a big shower!! Unfortunately we had nowhere to hide. The amount of water that fell on us was incredible!

Few kilometers later we reached a camping and decided to stop just to have a shelter to protect from the rain. We started to hear thunder and see some lightnings. We were quite cold and decided to call it a day.

We were once again a bit concerned to set up the tent in those conditions. Luckily for us there was a small indoor grill place that we could use to sleep. It was quite convenient as it was dry and protecting us from the wind. We took a shower and ate just few snacks, we did not have that much food left. We then slept in our improvised cabin.

More pictures from this day:

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